Friday, October 15

I Am A Horrible Blogger!!!

I started this blog in August... as you can see, my last post was in August... I've been sick, I've been reading other people's blogs... neglecting my own!!! How could I? Well, all of that has changed. I will post my opinion faithfully whenever I can... considering I have so much to say these days...

Okay, one question that I must answer is this, cause somebody asked me... Where did you come up with the name for your blog? Well, here's the facts... anybody who knows me knows that when I have something really crazy or really juicy to say, I start off my sentence with "So listen to this...", hence where the name of the blog comes in. Nothing too spectacular, just something that I say regularly and people know me by...

Well, that's all for now, I'll holla at my good people later!!


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