Thursday, August 10

One HELL of a Summer...

Yeah I said it... I've had one hell of a summer, and not in a good way either..

Not many people know I'm in the process of buying a house. Before you start all of you congrats, I'm here to tell you, this process has lasted 2 1/2 months. ALMOST 3 FUCKING MONTHS?!?! WHAT!!! I was supposed to close on July 28th.. but the first mortgage broker was on her bullshit and the deal ended up falling flat. Enter new mortgage broker. The deal was going fine, we extended the closing date, supposed to close tomorrow. Now the damn Appraisal Company is MIA and the Mortgage Lender needs that to finish the deal... needless to say, I'm so frustrated right now...

But wait there's more!

Now that we have the Appraisal done, we find out that the owner of said mortgage brokerage does NOT have Broker's license... what does that mean? It means that unless we do something quick fast and in a hurry, I will end up losing this house because the deal can't close. How in the WORLD does one run a business such as this without the proper credentials? How the fuck do I know? I'm just trying to buy a damn house.

So, we transfer my file yet and still to a new brokerage... the deal is supposed ot close in 2 days... did you hear me? 2 DAYS. I'm no longer able to get 100% financing, because my credit score has dropped. I am now in a predicament where I can only get 80% loan to value, and where the HELL am I gonna get 20% of $85,900? I tell you, I'm sprouting more and more gray hair..

The credit score thing is partially my fault... It dropped because, me thinking that all was well and good with the house deal, went out and made another major purchase...

I just bought a new car. 2007 Ford Focus ZX4... nice right? Drove it off the lot with all of 24 miles on it August 1st...

I'm telling you, the shit just gets better and better...

23 minutes before my birthday (which was August 5th, btw) on my way to celebrate finally being OVER 30 (turned 31) I was rear ended by this jackass on the freeway... oh, it gets better... $1700 worth of damage later, I find out this fool has no insurance... I have my baby back all nice and pretty again and everything, but DAMN. Not even a full week of having the car, it's already got an accident record? I have to pay a $500 deductable? Jeez... I can't win for fucking losing!

So, that's what my summer has been like... I just needed to vent.


At September 01, 2006 12:02 AM , Blogger nahmix said...

Oh my...that sucks! I'm sorry you're having a tough time with all of this. I'm in the home buying process too and it has gone on for several months, but im in a program so thats how it works. Well, i hope things are better for you.

BTW: How's that outkas Idylwild cd?

At September 01, 2006 9:28 AM , Blogger lilmzbabygrl said...

Yeah, it sucks... and it gets better... I went to go get the plates for my car, find out I have unpaid tickets from 3 years ago, so I had WArrent Blocks on my registration... $586.25 later I have plates on my car....

And that Idlewild is hot... it's not typical Outkast, but what is typical Outkast these days?

At September 01, 2006 11:15 PM , Blogger nahmix said...



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