Album Review-- Destiny Fulfilled- Destiny's Child
Remember when the Destiny's Child girls dressed up in fatigues and danced on the beach for that "Survivor" video? Don't front, ya'll know that was the song!! We are ALL guilty of singing that song in our cars when it came on the radio. And what about the comedy in the video for "Bootylicious"? Stop playin, we all loved that song... Well folks, this is a far cry from "Survivor", believe it.
Well, the reunited R&B trio better hope they have some more sexy gimmicks up their sleeves to spice up this new disc. The first word that comes to mind while listening to Destiny Fulfilled is: Huh?! The second is: Why? Several hours after that, it's: W-T-F? Soundscan says the album hasn't even hit gold yet, with a little over 490,000 copies sold at last count. That is not a good sign, ladies!!
After a bangin' first single "Lose My Breath" (yeah, I like that song, so what?)and the bouncing "Solider," the disc slips into a mediocre journey of three girls trading sub-par verses and hopelessly whimpering over men in too many sappy songs like "T-Shirt" and "Cater 2 U." Where are the independent women we once knew?
Looks to me like the only destiny fulfilled is the fulfillment of the contract... and the end of DC3 as we know it... especially after the Michelle fall on 106 and Park...
I'm glad I didn't actualy BUY the album... cause I woulda been mad as hell.
they have, however, perfected their video ho look. i almost spilled the kool-aid when i saw kelly in that fur coat and bikini--acting like she thick or something.
Yeah... that fur and bikini was too much, cause Kelly couldn't dare believe she was thick like that... and is it just me or does Michelle ALWAYS look like she about to fall?
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