I CANNOT Believe the IGNORANCE of some people...
You know... I was simply going to ignore this madness and move on with life... but I have to post about it. I HAVE to. It wouldn't be right if I didn't.
I was reading my girl Peach's blog this AM and ran across some comments that literally made my skin crawl. No seriously. It's the type of thing that you read and be like "Is this person REALLY this fucking stupid?"
Now, granted, my comments in response may have perpetuated the bullshit, but whatever... I was really just being silly, until she put me in it, on some straight disrespectful shit.
**Yeah, we found it's a SHE. Not suprising, actually, because men don't usually take the time to act this petty. They would rather play Madden or NBA Live on their XBOX.**
So, for your viewing and reading pleasure, I would actually like to elaborate on the comments I left on Peach's blog to this fool, in case she decides she wants to visit MY blog now. I honestly don't really care what she has to say about my life, because the details are posted here in cyberspace for all to see. If I cared about anyone's opinion of my personal business, I wouldn't post my personal business for the world to read. My life is MINE, and I live it the way I want to. Anybody who doesn't like it, frankly, can kiss my high yellow ass, click that lovely "X" in the upper right corner, and forget "So Listen To This" even exists. I probably shouldn't even give this bitch this much shine, but I gotta get this off my chest...
And I don't allow anonymous comments, so, if you got something to say, you better have a Blogger profile.
Let's start with the comments.... My comments will be orange... Ig'nant Person will be red...
Let us pray...
Please forgive those who have no idea what they speak of. Please give us the itelligence to ignore idiocy and prejudice, for I know that you love all you created. We have no reason to be ashamed of who we are, what we do or have done, nor the things that we choose that make us happy. Everyhting and everyone in this world is yours and NO ONE can change that.
Please fill the heart of "not like that mf today!! " with understanding and the love they may not be getting from home. Also, please let them know that anonymous comment on a blog that they obviously enjoy reading is not only childish, but very sad. Oh, and please, Lord, give them spellcheck and a thesaurus.
In your Holy Name,
**I think that about covers it...
Maybe he/she/it didn't comment on me cause I'm a black girl... but that could just be me... because ignorance is colorblind.
You know what I think? It's either a black man who got done COMPLETELY wrong by a white girl... or a black girl who's man was stolen by a white girl... I don't know... cause there's some animosity up in here that is totally unnecessary.
First of all....
I am a strong, beautiful intelligent, pre-med, black woman! I just get sick to my stomach when I see, read, or hear about nasty white girls like Peach, offherrocker, and wanna be white broads like miss jessi, so I chose this time to share my piece. I have white homegirls who down right put you nasty bitches to SHAME. Peach, real deal, all you will ever be is a nigga's baby's mama! Offherrocker, find a new friend, loose some weight, and gain some dignity. Miss Jessi, sorry sweety but you will always be black GET USE TO IT!!!
And since inquiring sluts like ya'll wanna know. My husband is just as disgusted with the site of a blue eyed slut devil as I and has never and will touch one. I just wanted to put you bitches in your place, and now that I have done that, get it on with your life and change something!!!
But really though Peach.... be a mom, not a slut, stop givin your dough away and maybe they'd respect you more, stop CHASING men, and let them chase you, and most of all GET SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR KID. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holla at cha girl!
Ah yes... the moment I've been waiting for... because I did know it was coming...
First of all, sweetie... I have absolutely no problem with being the STRONG, BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT Black QUEEN that I was born to be, so get that together, Boo... I'm not trying to be anyone but me. Also, any EDUCATED Black woman would have better things to do with themselves than to sit an type nasty comments about someone they don't know... if Peach and Juli bother you so fucking much, why do you keep coming here? Huh? Oh, cause you ain't got shit better to do than to degrade a PERFECT FUCKING STRANGER... but I digress...
And as far as putting ANYONE in their place, last time I checked, the only being that can judge ANYONE is the Lord above... and you, my dear, are not God, so keep it moving... what you are sharing are OPINIONS, and an opinion is just like an asshole, everybody's got one, and most of the time it's full of shit...
There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and proud of your race. I am. However, in my experience, when someone disrespects and degrades another, it is because in some way, there is something about them that they see in themselves that they can't stand... chew on that for a while, honey.
I'm out...
Miss Jessi,
You're an embarrasment. Get off your high and mighty little white horse, and drop the "praise Jesus" front.*SMDH* Cussin and frontin like you something, BITCH PLEASE! As I'm sure all you bloggers know, all sins are equal in the eyes of God, so while you saying prayers and shouting for the Lord, remember the front you put on when he sends yo fake as to the flames of hell! Your fakeness is the same as any outright sinner.
But hey at least I'm real about mine. And oh since "Also, any EDUCATED Black woman would have better things to do with themselves than to sit an type nasty comments..." what the fuck do you do??? Bitch you blog!! At least I check out blogs on my break from studying at work, instead of devoting my life to it like you sorry tricks.
Also, "if Peach and Juli bother you so fucking much, why do you keep coming here? Huh? Oh, cause you ain't got shit better to do than to degrade a PERFECT FUCKING STRANGER... but I digress..." I chose to comment on slutbag 1 and 2 because I've checked out their blogs before and since obviously no one in there lives gives a damn about them enough to tell these whores to get right I thought I'd take on that task.
So now that I have checked faketrick 1, I just want you broads to know that all that I have said is out of geniuine concern for the state of our country. If tricks and hoes like you continue to procreate, and raise our children we will have another generation of you bitchs!! And no one wants that! Trust!
Holla at cha girl!
So... now I'm angry, because obviously, bitch, you think you're smart enough to know what's good for EVERY DAMN BODY. I got something to say to you, cause I know you're reading....
First of all, don't act like you know any one of us. Don't act like you know anything about what brought us to these points in our lives, because frankly, you don't. You have no clue about how I was raised, where I went to school, or any of that. Don't think for one second that you are BETTER or SMARTER than any one person on this planet. If you feel blessed, good for you, but understand that when blessings are abused they are taken away. That's not something I think, baby girl, it's something I know. We are ALL created equal. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.
Now... I'm not on any high horse, but you are. What gives you the right to judge? A little schooling doesn't make you the one to decide what's right for ANYBODY... only what's right for YOU. You are trying to force your blind, narrow-minded ignorance on people who never asked for your bullshit opinion in the first place. I don't know what could have happened to you in your life that would make you lash out on people with such nonsense, but whatever. It's not my job to counsel you. You might want to seek out professional help for your anger issues, though...
The embarrasment is you. Prejudice is something that Black people have dealt with fior centuries, and here you are, blaring to the world just how prejudice you are. This COUNTRY that you speak so proudly of is full of a melting pot of people, who all deserve the same respect that you want people to give to you. You have to give it to get it. And who's being fake? Curse words are just that, dumb ass, WORDS. It's all a part of the English language.
And so what I blog? It's fucking HOBBY. Kinda like sewing or reading. It's something to fucking DO. Do you have a hobby? Or is being a simple minded asshole the best you could come up with?
But, like I said before, it's not my job to counsel you. Just like you don't have to listen to me. Really doesn't matter.
DAMN!!! see now ppl got lil miss jesse HEATED what is the world comming to? Thats BS!!! lol
whew-- I'm glad you got that s**t off your chest. You are free and independent to do what you want to and to fall in love and out of love with whom you want. I thank you for sharing the story of LeDon, for I was one who wished you chose better but you showed me that everyone deserves a chance and you gave the brother more than a fair chance. Keep blogging its the diversity that makes this thing work. I love ya for that!!!
yeah, isn't it a shame that someone calling themselves educated just seems to be so compellingly ignorant or pure rude. I mean they're blogs and if people can't learn that and get to share some kind of intellectual love or something... I wouldn't deem them educated.
@ Miss Georgia Peach-- see, I'm the NICE one... and when people get all ignant on me, I got to say something... I got to..
@Harold- I love you too! I have always appreciated your words and wisdom. Keep doing that thing, Sir!
@offherrocker- That is one thing we all learned through this fiasco... how to moderate comments! Keep reading, I do what I can to enlighten folks days!
@claudius_max- First, welcome to my blog, and thank you for reading. I agree with you wholeheartedly, and that's all I've been trying to say.
@DATGIRL- I got your comment, sweetie. I rejected it for a reason... you'll see it soon though.
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