Monday, August 1

5 Songs That Describe My Mood

So... if you've been a reader of my blog for a minute... you've read about the idiot that I had had the unfortunate pleasure of calling myself in a "relationship" with for the better part of this here millineum... he has been and will continue to be out of the photo, simply because I've decided that I'm better than anything he can put me through at this point... and being 4 days from 30 has put alot of things in perspective... but that's another post...

Back to the lecture at hand...

There's this guy that I've known for about 12 or 13 years. His name is Keith. I met him when he used to live down the street from my grandmother. We always had our way of flirting back then, but he had a girlfriend. And she was one of those rough ass girls... you know the type, always fighting, always into something, never took her ass to school... she was very pretty, but she was rough, and I wasn't even TRYING to get into it with her. I was the honors student, good girl type (that's the part I played, anyway ..::evil genius laugh::..) that was not ABOUT to fight over some dude... but he was foine... dark chocolate brown, about 6'1, slim build, chisled features, dimples (and I got a thing for dimples)... and I heard he was packing something serious in those Levi's he wore on a regular... umph, umph, umph...

We never really got together... I had boyfriends, he had girlfriends...I got married, he got married... whenever one was single, the other was not... so we always had this unofficial link to each other if you will. And we said that if we ever ran across each other again and we were both in a position to make it happen, we would. This is where the sory begins again...

So, about 3 weeks ago, I ran into him. And he still looks damn good, but I knew that he would. And we are like a couple teenagers... late night phone calls that last 2 and 3 hours... butterflies when we see each other... the "I miss you" voicemail in the middle of the day... and I am giddy like a schoolgirl...

This edition of songs are all songs that remind me of Keith in one way or another... for your listening pleasure I bring to you...

The Luv Struck Edition

1. Lose Control-- Silk-- This song reminds me of a house party all of my friends in my granmother's old neighborhood went to. For some reason, Keith and I ended up dancing to this song... and he whispered the lyrics in my ear the whole time... where his girl was at this time, I don't know... didn't matter... to me, there was no one in the room but me and him at that point in time...

2. U & I-- Jodeci-- I was really into Jodeci back in the day... and he used to always play this song for me when we'd all be chilling over his house. Nobody else would want to here that lovey dovey shit, but he'd play it for me... and to this day, everytime I hear this song, I think of him... I know, that's pretty fucking sappy, but it's the truth...

3. Didja Know-- Groove Theory-- I say this song reminds me of him because he after I saw him 3 weeks ago for the first time in 2 years, that' exactly how I felt... "Didja know/ I would go/ Anywhere you roll/Cause with you is home/ Didja know it?"...

4. Wanna Be Where U R-- Floetry-- "You're the one that I want/Now baby/ I want you to give me your heart/ Cause you mean everything to me I/ Wanna be where you are"... When we see each other, it's like magic.. I can't describe it really... and I never want him to leave my presence. I love to be with him... I odn't know, he just has this effect on me that... wow...

5. Infatueighties-- Musiq-- Just reminds me of how our relationship was back in the day and what it's developing into now.. how we would flirt and smile at each other back in the day and now... sweet kisses and the look of adoration in his eyes... let me stop...

There you have it... 5 songs that describe my mood... enjoy!


At August 02, 2005 1:42 PM , Blogger nahmix said...

A new love interest...sounds so nice! Lose Control is one of my all time favorite songs, but I loves me some Jodeci, Floetry and Musiq! Damn, it's been ages since I've Groove Theory! I must download tonight!!!

At August 02, 2005 2:41 PM , Blogger lilmzbabygrl said...

Thank you.. Lose Control is the song, I know that... I just listened to it again the other day because he had brought up that party... I was 16 all over again...

At August 04, 2005 10:09 AM , Blogger lilmzbabygrl said...

I do remember the homemade cassingle... I think I tape over that Tommy Page song or something crazy like that... and Dick called me the other night on some straight BS, I can't even deal with it...


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